How to use Aloe Vera for hair growth and thickness?

Aloe vera can be used in several home remedies. The benefits of this medicinal plant for skin care also offer hair care. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, enzyme, amino acid and vital vitamin content that supports hair growth. It helps to reduce scalp problems. If you want, you may purchase aloe vera gel and apply it to your hair, or you can extract it from a fresh leaf.
If you want to use the pulp from a fresh aloe vera leaf on your hair, cut the leaf and grind the gel inside in a blender. This will provide an aloe vera-like consistency when applied to the hair. This combination can be applied to the hair as it is. Apply it to your hair from the roots to the ends, carefully rubbing it in. It can be washed after 15 to 20 minutes after being applied to the head.
Aloe vera may also be applied to hair by mixing it with coconut oil. For this, mix aloe vera gel and coconut oil and apply to the hair as a hair mask. This combination can also be slightly heated before applying to the hair. Leave it on your hair for 20 minutes, then wash it off.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.