5 Zinc rich foods that can boost hair growth

Every day, hair falls and breaks to some extent, however, if hair falls too much, it becomes a lesson of trouble. Because of ongoing hair loss, it is unclear when baldness appears on the head. Hair damage, a lack of nutrients and changes in the weather can all contribute to hair loss. In such cases, including zinc-rich foods in one’s diet can help reduce hair loss problems.
Here are 5 Zinc rich foods that can boost hair growth
Zinc is one of many vitamins and minerals found in spinach and other dark leafy greens. These veggies are fantastic for your overall wellness, and they also promote the growth of good hair.
Eggs include zinc, protein, and biotin, a B-vitamin that is essential for the health of hair, skin and nails. Hair loss has been linked to a shortage in biotin; therefore, consuming foods high in zinc and biotin, such as eggs, can promote healthy hair growth and stop hair loss.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pepitas, another name for pumpkin seeds, are high in zinc. You may simply include them in your diet by adding them to yogurt, salads, or as a snack.
Chickpeas have extra health benefits for hair. Chickpeas are an excellent source of plant-based zinc. They may be consumed in a variety of ways and included in the diet.
Cashews are a kind of nut rich in zinc. They also include more minerals that are beneficial to hair health, such as iron and biotin.