How to make Boiled Bacon Burger at home? Follow these simple steps

Want a nutritious burger but don’t want to consume any carbohydrates? We’ve got you covered; enjoy this delectable egg-bacon burger without the buns. To prepare this protein-rich snack, just layer hard-boiled eggs with vegetables, bacon, and cheese, as well as some spices.
Ingredients of Boiled Bacon Burger
Here are 3 simple steps to make Masala Dosa at home
1. For this simple recipe, start by adding water and a small amount of salt. After boiling the eggs, take out the shell. Next, heat the pan and spray it with oil to cook the bacon strips.
2. Split the hard-boiled eggs in half. After that, put the bacon strips, tomato slices, cheese slices, lettuce leaves and sprinkle with black pepper, paprika and salt. Place another slice of egg on top of the filling.
3. Insert a toothpick, then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Heat on a pan for a minute, then serve hot!