3 cooling yoga poses to beat the heat this summer

Seeking relief from the intense heat becomes important as the temperature increases. While air conditioners and cool beverages provide temporary relief, there is a lesser-known way of battling the heat, yoga. Yes, you read it correctly! Yoga, an ancient practice recognized for its numerous benefits, has one key to cooling your body and lowering internal heat.

Here are 3 cooling yoga poses to beat the heat this summer

1. Vrikshasana

This yoga pose strengthens the bones in your spine. To do this, first stand up straight. Then, rest your right foot on the thigh of your left foot, and raise both hands to join your palms. Now you must stand in the same position for 30 to 35 seconds. This keeps your body cool.

2. Sarvangasana

Arms at your sides, lie on your back. Slowly lift your legs off the ground until they are parallel to it and your feet point to the sky. Gradually raise your back and pelvis off the ground. Put your palms on your back for support. Try to maintain balance in your legs, shoulders and hips. Concentrate your attention on your feet. This asana not only keeps you healthy but also helps to keep your body cool.

3. Balasana

You can maintain your fitness level by doing Balasana. This is also a major factor in keeping you positive. Your back discomfort will go away if you do this. It also helps to cool your body.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.