5 foods to avoid if you have diabetes

Carbohydrates, along with other macronutrients such as proteins and fats, serve as our body’s major fuel source. Except for fiber, our bodies transform all carbs into glucose. Insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas) transports glucose to all body cells through the circulation. However, with Type-2 diabetes, our bodies are unable to eliminate sufficient glucose from the bloodstream due to insulin insufficiency or inefficiency, resulting in higher blood glucose levels.
Here are 5 foods to avoid if you have diabetes
1. Refined carbs
Since these carbohydrates have already been processed and are in predigested form (with little or no fiber), our bodies absorb them fast and convert them to glucose. This raises blood sugar levels, and the person eventually feels hungry again.
2. Fruit juices
Fruits are excellent for diabetics, but fruit drinks are just as bad for them. Fruit juices are low in fiber and are loaded with fructose, which raises blood glucose levels.
3. Favoured yogurt
We might assume that flavoured yogurts are a good source of probiotics, but they are not as beneficial as you think. Most yogurts available today have artificial flavours and are high in sugar.
4. Salty foods
Foods rich in sodium may raise blood pressure. Salt may be listed as “sodium” on a food label. Limit your salt consumption by avoiding processed meals, canned soups and salty snacks.
5. Alcohol
Alcohol can impair the liver’s capacity to release glucose. Alcohol may potentially interfere with several diabetes medications.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.