5 signs your partner is playing mind games

Starting a relationship is like setting out on a journey, but things become difficult on the way when there are subtle mind games involved. Knowing these strategies can work as a compass for you, guiding you to avoid emotional turbulence. In this article, we’ll look at the signs that your partner could be playing games, helping you to protect your heart and peace of mind.
Here are 5 signs your partner is playing mind games
1. If your partner never answers your question clearly, they are playing mind games and attempting to influence you.
2. Your partner is influencing you and playing mind games when they start arguing when you point out their mistake.
3. When your partner suddenly stops communicating with you and then returns to normal when you pay him a lot of attention, they are playing mind games and manipulating you.
4. They demonstrate that they only get into terrible situations just because of your rude behaviour toward them and that they can get away with their mistakes.
5. It’s a warning sign if someone is constantly bringing up your past mistakes and relationships for each mistake you make.