5 simple tricks to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables

Making sure the food we eat is safe has become more important than ever in today’s world, as the use of pesticides in agriculture is common. While pesticides are crucial for protecting crops from pests and diseases, they can also leave residues on fruits and vegetables that, if eaten over time, might be harmful to health. Thankfully, there are several easy things you can do at home to reduce pesticide residues and have cleaner fruits and vegetables.
Here are 5 simple tricks to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables
1. Vinegar Soak
Prepare a mixture of 10% white vinegar and 90% water, then dip your fruits and vegetables in it. Rinse them well after giving them a good stir. Berries and other fruits with thin peels must be washed carefully as the solution might harm their porous outer skin.
2. Peeling
Peeling fruits and vegetables can greatly limit exposure to chemicals, even if it may seem clear. Since a lot of pesticide residue is concentrated on the surface of produce, peeling off the outer layer can get rid of much of it. It’s important to balance the benefits against the potential loss of nutrients, too, as peeling may also remove some fibre and minerals.
3. Baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate, also referred to as baking soda, is another useful agent for eliminating pesticide residues. Mix in a cup of water and a tablespoon of baking soda, then let your fruits and veggies soak for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, give them a good wash under running water.
4. Scrubbing
Scrubbing fruits and vegetables like potatoes, carrots and cucumbers under running water with a brush may work wonders for those with thicker skins or surfaces. A gentle scrubbing action helps to physically remove any pesticide residues that may be sticking to the surface.
5. Saltwater
Saltwater is also a good way to eliminate pesticide residues from produce. Soak your fruits and veggies in a mixture of two teaspoons salt and four cups water for 10-15 minutes. At last, carefully wash them with clean water.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.