5 surprising health benefits of sleeping next to someone you love

If you sleep alone, you probably can’t picture getting a decent night’s sleep next to another human being—even if that person is your lover. If you’re already aware of the benefits of sleeping close to someone, this list will confirm what you already know.
Here are 5 surprising health benefits of sleeping next to someone you love
1. Security and comfort
We may feel more secure and comfortable when we sleep next to our partner. It might be reassuring to have a loved one around to make us feel safe and relaxed.
2. Intimacy and bonding
Sharing a bed with our partner increases intimacy and relationship. Closeness and connection during sleep can trigger the production of oxytocin, sometimes known as the “love hormone,” which improves relaxation and decreases stress.
3. Temperature regulation
Our body temperature has a major impact on the quality of our sleep. Sleeping next to our partner allows for the exchange of body heat, which helps us better control our temperature.
4. Mutual Sleeping Pattern
Couples frequently develop similar sleep patterns and schedules over time. This synchronization reduces disturbances from different sleep patterns, which might be good for the quality of your sleep.
5. Stress reduction
Our partner’s physical presence can lessen stress on the body as well as the mind. Sharing a bed provides for physical contact, which can help relieve stress and promote relaxation.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.