Brain tumors in youngsters: Here are some warning signs you should know

One of the major illnesses that have a significant influence on a person’s health is a brain tumour. It is caused by abnormal growth of cells inside or around the brain. Patients must deal with a high symptom burden, which can damage certain regions of the brain and cause severe dysfunction. Brain tumours can develop at any age. Children’s tumours differ from adult tumours in terms of cell type and response to the treatment. According to experts, the number of young people being diagnosed with this condition is increasing dramatically throughout the world.

Here are 3 warning signs of brain tumour in youngsters


Headaches are normal in youngsters, but when they occur frequently and with a constant pattern, they should be taken seriously. Headaches that happen when a person wakes up early in the morning or while sleeping are harmful to their health. As a result, it can be a major warning sign of a brain tumour.

Nausea and vomiting

Anyone experiencing flu-like symptoms, vomiting, and a severe headache should consider this to be a serious warning sign for a brain tumour. This occurs when a tumour develops inside a specific area of the brain, pressing surrounding tissue or blocking fluid flow.

Loss in hearing

Hearing loss is a common side effect of brain tumours. People who experience pressure on their brain nerves and severe ear discomfort at the same time are at risk of developing a brain tumour. They form on both the vestibular and auditory nerves. These nerves connect the inner ear to the brain, putting pressure on the nerve and resulting in hearing loss.


Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.