Daily salt intake: How much sodium should you have per day?

Salt is an essential component of everyone’s diet. In India, literally every food item includes salt, which contributes to excessive salt consumption. Sodium is the primary component of salt and should be eaten in limit on a regular basis. According to the World Health Organization, a high salt diet can raise blood pressure and increase the chance of developing cardiovascular disease, gastric cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, Meniere’s disease and kidney issues. Therefore, it is critical to control your salt consumption.
The World Health Organization advises avoiding consuming more than 2000 mg, or less than 5 g, of salt daily. The WHO also recommends consuming iodized salt, which is enhanced with iodine. Sufficient iodine consumption is necessary for proper brain development in the womb. It also improves brain function in young children and adults in general.
Reducing salt consumption regularly without sacrificing food flavor can be challenging. However, for overall wellness, it is important to consume salt within the suggested limits.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.