Is a past trauma affecting your current relationship? How to notice

Every day, the past affects our present, whether in how we handle particular circumstances or how we emotionally react to what others say. Living through disturbing occurrences as a kid can provide a continual feeling of tension, fear and betrayal, which might have an impact on your new relationship.
Here are some signs that a past trauma may be affecting your relationship
1. Lack of Trust
People who have experienced prior trauma find it hard to trust their partners. Setting boundaries or leaving relationships are examples of difficulties caused by a lack of trust in a relationship.
2. Having Unrealistic Expectations
Your past traumas may have led to unreasonable expectations from your partner, which could damage your relationship. This might also result in conflicts with your partner. Unmet relationship expectations can also cause anxiety.
3. Overthinking
Many relationships end because people overthink situations. Traumas might arise as a result of past experiences. It happens in childhood when a person feels ignored, rejected, or stays in an abusive environment.
4. Neediness
Even if your relationship is going well, you may feel needy at all times and require continual reassurance and validation from your partner. This can anger your partner.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.-