Top 5 health benefits of vitamin C you must know

Aside from its reputation for treating the common cold, Vitamin C has other advantages that are essential for keeping a fit and healthy body. Vitamin C is a vitamin that has several health benefits and supports the immune system. Our body cannot produce it naturally, so we must rely on diet and external supplements to satisfy our needs. Oranges, lemons, guava, papayas, strawberries, kiwis, broccoli, pineapple, kale, spinach and many more fruits and vegetables contain it. Here are 5 health benefits of vitamin C you must know.
1. Immune system boost
Vitamin C boosts the body’s defensive system. Its antioxidant properties boost immune function by neutralizing harmful free radicals and activating white blood cells, which are necessary for infection resistance. Regular vitamin C use can improve immunity.
2. Prevents iron deficiency
One of the most vital nutrients, iron serves several purposes. It’s necessary for the body to produce red blood cells and move oxygen throughout. Vitamin C is said to boost iron absorption, which reduces the risk of anaemia. You can raise your iron levels if you eat foods high in vitamin C.
3. Improve skin health
Collagen production, which maintains the suppleness and firmness of the skin, requires vitamin C. Because it promotes the development of collagen, vitamin C aids in the fight against signs of ageing such as wrinkles and drooping skin. Including foods high in vitamin C in your regular diet can help to maintain healthy skin.
4. Manage high blood pressure
According to studies, vitamin C may function as a diuretic, eliminating extra fluid from the body and reducing blood vessel pressure. Therefore, it can reduce blood pressure in both healthy persons and those who have high blood pressure.
5. Supports the healing process
For the body to heal after an illness or injury, vitamin C is essential. Collagen is required for tissue regeneration and wound healing, and this vitamin promotes its production. Vitamin C supports the body’s healing and recovery process.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.